Monday 24 August 2015

Writing a simile

How Patchy Got His Name?

Once upon a time Patchy the Clown was just an ordinary man. He thought that he should get a job.
He said, “I think I should be a clown”.
Five years after he got as silly as Mickey.
Patchy’s manager said, in a deep voice, “You need a name young man. You’ve already got the bright colourful clothes.”

Patchy went to the jungle where he met a giant lion like him but covered with pillows.
It pounced at Patchy and he started a fight. The lion bit a big hole in Patchy’s trousers.
“Hi manager, is this good enough to get a name? Patchy asked.
His manager said, “Definitely, your name is Patchy the Clown.”
“Can I go in the circus now?” asked Patchy.
“Hmmm, do you know our act?” said his manager?
“Hmmm, no but I think I’ll be good at juggling”, said Patchy.
“So get on with practicing. Go, go ,go”, said the ringmaster in a growling voice.
Patchy did as he was told and then he tripped over his puffy pants in the gym arena.
“I am pooped, I need water”, said Patchy.
Just then he heard a ring of a phone. His ring master came in laughing and saying
“It’s your turn Patchy,” said his manager.
Patchy wasn’t good at juggling but not being good made the audience laugh.



Unknown said...

Awesome story Keanu - it made me laugh lots and it just goes to show that even if you aren't good at something you can turn things around and make it right. Great work.

Unknown said...

We thought your story was so cool Keanu,I could imagine what he looked like in his funny bright clothes,I would love you to draw a picture of him for me,great story love. Nannie-Sheg.

Unknown said...

Good example of a simile Keanu, well done on speaking so clearly.

Unknown said...

You have used many interesting words to describe your clown and you've included a simile. Well done.