Friday 25 August 2017



In this task we had to accurately create a tessellation using different shapes. I decided to use parallelograms. I found making a tessellation with one shape really easy because you don't need to use different shapes to fill in the the little gaps. My next step is to use more shapes. Next time I would like to use more shapes.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Similes and Metaphors


W.A.L.T yous similes and metaphors to describe a picture.
I found this activity easy because I have all ready learnt about both similes and metaphors. I like this activity because it fast and easy. My next steps are to use more descriptive words.

Wednesday 9 August 2017


 It was hard to get information about the birds by the story. I found the Kea pretty easy to find out information about. My next steps are getting more information from the book and that there was no hints because it was only how they were talking to each other.